Christmas Eve

Grace to you and Peace friends in Christ Jesus. Behold the Christ Child, the Holy One of God, who was laid in a manger, who from humble beginnings was God with us, God who moved into the neighbourhood and came to grow up and inaugurate the Kingdom of God.

Through the Advent Season we have been preparing for tonight, Christmas Eve and lighting the Christ Candle. For the last four weeks we have been waiting, preparing our hearts and minds, and beholding the Scriptures that lead up to the Nativity Story.

I’ve been meditating a lot about Angels this Advent, and about that quintessential Angel greeting “Be not afraid.” I think through time, through art, and in culture we have a certain model for what an angel should look like- a similar figure likely graces the highest bough of your Christmas Tree, a beautiful, winged, glowing figure who delivers good news from God- a being from heaven, a member of the heavenly host, a messenger from God.

I’ve been meditating a lot about the Greek word from where our word “Angel” is derived which when translated it means messenger. I have spent much of this advent reflecting on those moments in my life where I have encountered an Angel of God who told me not to be afraid. Often, these angels did not present themselves with fanfare, they were not beautiful citizens of the heavenly host (though some of them were quite good looking), simply they were people, friends and strangers who, whether they realised it or not brought good news from God. This Christmas be mindful of those who may be angels in your world, heed their words, and remember just as God made flesh in Jesus came in humble beginnings so too God’s Messengers in our lives are found in places we do not expect.

This Christmas look to those places that seem so humble or so forsaken in your world, incline yourself to God, and you might be surprised at what blessings could be found there.

Merry Christmas.
Peace of Christ,
