From the Minister

September has arrived and fall is coming. This is one of my favourite times of the year. Summer has brought rest and renewal and there is a new energy in the air as I look forward to reconnecting and catching up with those of you returning from time away.

After a wonderful vacation in July, it was good to return to the church in August and find the renovation work completed and unpacking well underway. Many thanks to the Temporal Committee whose leadership and guidance through the disruptions of the past year made all the difference.

As the renovations began so shortly after my arrival, I am just now getting to learn what normal looks like at St Andrews! One constant I have discovered is how supportive and encouraging you, the congregation, are, of each other and the ministry here. The extensive work being done on the heating and ventilation system often meant changes in plans already made and disruptions in our usual habits and practices. Thank you for your gracious accommodation, patience and good humour last winter and spring.

With our building back and feeling like our own again, the new church year is more than ready to begin. Vacation Bible School was like its baptism, with the Holy Spirit bringing laughter and energy, the sharing of hope and joy. Now the congregational retreat is just around the corner, with Rally Sunday coming hard on its heels. My desk is covered with plans for Worship, Wednesday communion and Bible and Discussion Groups. So much to look forward to!

Looking out my study window as I work, I see the Supreme Court, the traffic that fills our nation’s capital and the coming and going of many people. The beautiful view and the life it captures, remind me daily of the time and place God has called us to. I will soon begin my second year at St Andrew’s and giving thanks for that, look forward to the time ahead, sharing together as we seek to love God and neighbour, to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our Lord.

You can click here to read the Days of September. This monthly newsletter is written as an invitation, welcoming you and all who you share it with, into the worship and life we have together in Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace,