Good morning from the Kirk Session


I am very glad that we are able to continue to reach out to everyone, even if it doesn't look quite the same right now.

It's hard to believe it was only three weeks ago we were able to worship in the sanctuary. The speed at which life has changed has been almost unbelievable, but I remain so grateful to all those who continue to reach out through email and phone to check-in with each other.

For the present, Sunday worship services can only be accessed online and Wednesday Communion will not be offered until further notice. We understand how difficult it is not to be physically present at church, but the health and safety of the congregation, our church staff and the public must be our top priority. This decision will be reviewed by Kirk Session as the situation dictates.

On Monday, the government of Ontario ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses. That means that Vivian will be doing most of her work from home, however the office phone is being monitored and messages which are left will be picked up. Arrangements have been made to keep processing mail received at the church, including any donations that are mailed in, as well as ensuring that bills are being paid in a timely manner and we would like to thank all of the people involved in making this happen. Our custodians, Sean and James, will be coming in and making sure everything in the building is functioning as usual. Karen will be recording prayers and meditations and posting them to the website on Sundays. Sydney will be keeping connected with the church school families through email and postings on the website. We are very grateful to all our church staff who are keeping things running, even through this challenging time.

We will provide updates as we receive them, but in the meantime, stay well.

Heather Pilkey,

Administrative Clerk