Whatsoever you do unto me...

This morning our guest preacher reminded us that the corollary is also part of scripture. At St. Andrew's, we are recognized for significant contributions to the many support and relief projects undertaken by Presbyterian World Service and Development. So collectively and as individuals we strive to provide succour to the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick and imprisoned.

But again this weekend, we are concerned for thousands from Aleppo who are searching for safety.  Until they can be provided with practical, material assistance, prayer is all I feel able to offer.  Prayer not only for those suddenly finding themselves to be refugees, but also for those oppressing.  And so another dilemma. How and what to pray when praying for oppressors.
 Perhaps by beginning with words from our opening hymn--Come sing, o church, in joy and ending with Celebrate the journey now and praise the Lord.

Billie S.