January 4 - Epiphany Sunday

Epiphany Sunday, this week after the rush of Christmas, feels like looking back over our Christmas and Advent journey with the advantage of hindsight.  Kind of like watching a trailer for a movie you've already seen, it's an overview of a familiar story.  Singing, "O star of wonder, star of light" has a special meaning when we've just spent the last weeks talking about all aspects of light in the darkness.

During her sermon, Karen spoke to us about the Magi, these vaguely described "visitors from the East." But she also talked about two other Kings, Herod and Jesus.  The contrast between one: conniving, calculating, ruthless, self-serving, inciting fear; and the other in whose presence one feels joy, hope and welcome.

As the delicious smell of the youth baking the galettes de Rois wafted up from the kitchen, we were reminded that we have been kindled by the Christ candle and are called to let God's light shine through us. I felt commissioned by the verses from Isaiah in the opening call to worship:

Arise, shine; for your light has come,
   and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.