July Covid 19 Update

News from the Kirk Session

Good morning St. Andreans! As summer begins we pray you are well. We are reaching out this morning with several items that have arisen in the past month including the question of reopening of the church sanctuary for worship.


With the improving pandemic situation in Ottawa, the Power to Issue Committee (PTI) met on June 29th and began discussion on the re-opening of the sanctuary for worship. We are now at the point where we have met the criteria for reopening approved by the Kirk Session in June, which means that in three weeks, consideration can begin on re-opening.

PTI will meet on July 21st to plan for the tentative resumption of worship services in the sanctuary commencing Sunday, August 8th, on the understanding that the community situation remains stable. Should numbers begin to rise again, we will have to re-consider the opening, but in the meantime we will hope and pray.

More information about re-opening and what that will look like will be communicated as we get nearer to the date.