My soul magnifies the Lord. And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. Luke 1: 46-47.


This morning we delved into the person that was Mary. As I sat and listened to Huda I couldn’t help take many lessons from Mary. Her obedient faith was so strong and at the core of who she was that she rejoiced in the Lord’s spirit even when faced what many would see as a very scary situation. In addition, she lived in the present moment and already witnessed God’s work – she did not see what was impossible, as she believed everything was possible with God. It is through this deep faith of believing that everything is possible with God, and can bring us much peace at a time when it seems as though the world is at much unrest.

This time of year also challenges us to be in the present moment and not let the often hectic pace of this season pass us by. A few of these special and present moments were witnessed today: joining fellow St. Andreans in celebrating Maureen for all that she has done for us over her 10 years with St. Andrew's. While it is sad to see her go, we know that she will bring the grace of God to each and every person she encounters in her new hometown. Maureen's celebration was followed by a lovely Christmas meal prepared by the Invitations Committee along with a time for carol singing.

It truly is a time of year where our spirits rejoice once again in the wonders of our Lord and thank him for giving us his only begotten son.

Colleen G.