Partners in building the kingdom

"We must work the works of him who sent me..."

John 9:4a

I liked the emphasis made by Huda this morning on partnership. In the midst of our world's hurt and pain and hate, God wants us to respond. We are to work with God in bringing light to the darkness, in proclaiming good news, in building the kingdom.

For me, this is one of the most important parts of my faith. It is a very concrete thing for me - trying to be God's hands in this world, reaching out to those who have been marginalized, who have been told that they do not matter, who have been forgotten... This is when I feel the church is at its best - when we are following the commandment to love - to the put the last first, to show that everyone is treasured and love by God, to show that God's grace is for everyone, as Huda said. God is counting on us to live that message every day.

Huda gave us an example of a foretaste of the kingdom: churches helping refugees to build new lives in Canada. She left us with a question to think about - where do we see foretastes of the kingdom around us? Where do we see moments of love and grace? But I am going to try to take that a step further this week - how can I contribute to those glimpses of the kingdom?

Laura S.