Rally Sunday

Today was Rally Sunday. It was a fun surprise to see the balloons in the sanctuary and great to be back into the Sunday school year.  As a Sunday school teacher and mom, I very much enjoy Rally Sunday each year, and was particularly struck this year by how all of the children have grown. Kids I have known since they are babies are now as tall as me! My own children, who started attending St. Andrew's when we moved to Ottawa and they were preschoolers, toddlers, and babies, are now in the older ages of Sunday school, and the youth group. It has been comforting and important for us to become part of this church community over the past decade.  After having spent much of the summer travelling, it was also lovely to see so many familiar faces - and some new ones - and to enjoy delicious homemade soups and corn on the cob, not to mention desserts, with everyone.  It was also a pleasure to meet Sydney, our new Christian Education co-ordinator, today.

I am grateful and pleased to begin another church year with our St. Andrew's family.

Rebecca B.