Sharing the light we've been given

I loved the familiarity of the opening of worship this morning -  Karen's words from Micah to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God, the comforting and poetic words of Psalm 90, For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night, (I learned it in the King James Version) and it's corresponding refrain, O God our help in ages past.

It was a heavy week, as Karen said, and my heart was sore. I was glad to be in the familiar and the safe. But the sermon was a bit of a jolt and it was abrupt to have the world and all the darkness and difficulties brought up from the pulpit. It felt like being prodded on a bruise.

But during the sermon you could hear a pin drop in the sanctuary, and I don't think I was the only one that needed that discomfort of acknowledgement. Karen mentioned about the "collective trauma" of people going through difficult times, and the importance of recognizing what we're feeling together.

But what I took from the sermon is that even in these dark and difficult times, we are not powerless. We have been given a the light of love from God and we can share that light with those around us. We can intrude in the lives of others, just as Jesus intruded in the lives of James and Andrew, the first disciples, and we can shine a light in the darkness.

Maureen R.