Sunday, August 9

Image: Georgie Sharp on Flickr

Image: Georgie Sharp on Flickr

It can be a bit nerve wracking, hearing how God stepped in to Moses' life. When Karen started her sermon about Moses being called by God, I felt I had a lot in common with early Moses. I have a calm, predictable life. I enjoy my family, my work, and my routine. And then when Moses hears his name called from the bushes, he (like I probably would!) starts with the excuses and all the reasons he shouldn't have to disrupt his comfortable life.

When I picture Moses taking off his shoes and accepting he's on holy ground, I picture him committing to whatever God holds for him in the future. And that's scary!

But our last song was Great is Thy Faithfulness, such a familiar hymn. I was struck by the verses, how it tells of how God is ALWAYS and forever taking care of us. But the last verse moved me the most. Because the words were so familiar, I could feel the congregation looking up from their hymnbooks for the final chorus. It truly felt like God was showing up in the faces of those with me there in the pews. I was so thankful for God's faithfulness in showing himself where needed, and for providing his people to help one another take these scary steps of obedience to God together.

Like Moses in that scrubby desert hearing the voice of God say his name, I don't know the end of the story yet. But I do pray we continue to listen for God's voice, and to accept the signs of the faithfulness of God when they're shown to us.

Maureen R.