Sunday, June 26

As we head into the week and listen for God’s call, we reflect on today’s service and our charge.  The three things I am taking with me:

  • God’s promise
  • God’s calling
  • Following God. 

God promises to be with us throughout our life journey.  He is there with us when we are baptized and when we partake in activities that fulfill God’s mission.  Indeed, He is there with us every moment of every day.

Strengthened by His promise, we commit to listening to His call and being faithful disciples.   Although we may not always heed the calling, as Rev. Davis reminded us, it is never too late to answer. 

Sometimes I feel nervous when I hear the call (or when I am ready to answer), however, I know that He would not lead me astray.  Knowing that I am in God’s loving embrace, I follow Him with courage and humility.

Colleen G.