Christmas Giving - Community Laundry Co-op

As we wait to celebrate God coming to us in Christ, we are called to consider what we might do for others in Christ’s name. Special Christmas Offering Envelopes may be left on the offering plate any Sunday in December to support the Community Laundry Co-op, the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and the Marco Depestre Foundation for Haiti. Other ways to give back to the community can be seen at

The Community Laundry Co-operative (CLC) was founded in 1999 with the collaboration of three downtown organizations: First United Church, Downtown Community Health Centre and McLeod-Stewarton United Church (now called Centretown United Church). Since the beginning, CLC programming has focused on supporting people living alone and those on low incomes. More than half of the active members of the Coop suffer from mental illness and three-quarters rely on financial assistance from social programs such as Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Programme.

It is clear that clean linen contributes to better personal hygiene and self-esteem. But the impact of the Community Laundry Co-operative is much more important than that. Our programmes enhance the personal and social development of members and contribute to building a strong community.  The Laundry Coop responds uniquely to a concrete need of disadvantaged people while helping with social integration.

During the years 2015-2016 the Community Laundry Coop faced significant challenges.  Several strategic changes by our traditional funders significantly reduced our funding.  To reduce costs, we were forced to eliminate our position as Executive Director leaving only one part-time employee. As a result, we went from six days of operation to four days, leaving people waiting impatiently to do their laundry.

Fortunately, we have been able to meet these challenges through our generous donors and the efforts of our staff, our members, and our volunteers.  Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of Ottawa, we were able to add one day per opening week to our schedule.  A grant from Project Clear Skies allowed us to buy two new washing machines.

To help reduce the impact of our financial difficulties, our members have undertaken a series of fundraisers, including bake sales, game nights and other events. These events contributed over $ 3,000 to our organization. This illustrates their commitment to growth and the success of our organization.

In addition, we have added 4 talented and enthusiastic members to our Board of Directors.

Loyal and caring volunteers are always at the heart of the Community Laundry Coop.

White Gift Sunday - December 18

Each year at St. Andrew's we collect books, wrap them in white paper, and donate them to a local school. This year, White Gift Sunday is December 18, when we dedicate the books we're donating. Below is a letter from the librarian of Queen Mary Public School, where our donations will be going this year.

Dear St. Andreans

Thank you so much for including Queen Mary Public School in the December 18, 2016 WHITE GIFT SUNDAY.

 We ALWAYS have a wish list for library books: 

  • Puppies and kittens (non-fiction)
  • Space (non-fiction)
  • Joke books
  • Star Wars (stories or character encyclopedias/visual dictionaries)
  • Superheroes (stories or character encyclopedias/visual dictionaries)
  • How to Draw anime or superheroes
  • Origami (easy)
  • Sports (hockey and soccer)
  • Paw Patrol
  • Barbie
  • World record books
  • Pretty much anything from the hot and new section

Thank you so very much.

Petra Alince
Librarian, Queen Mary Public School

Remembering God's work through St. Andreans in the past

A fascinating read in The Beechwood Way - on the front page an article about the restoration of the monument for Rev. Durie, a Minister of St. Andrew's who died in 1847 from typhus after tending to the sick in the epidemic.

And page 2 mentions Dr. Peter Bryce, a former member of St. Andrew's who has in recent years been recognised for his early reporting on medical conditions within the residential schools system. (As part of our planned Canada 150 celebrations we are working towards an event about Dr. Peter Bryce on National Aboriginal Day 2017.)

Read it here:


Responding to Hurricane Matthew

Photo: (Used with permission)

Photo: (Used with permission)

In the last week Hurricane Matthew has struck Haiti leaving devastation in its wake. Torrential rain has overwhelmed communities—leaving hundreds dead and with significant flooding and housing damage reported. Mudslides and flash flooding remain a concern across the country, though it is too early to determine the full extent of the damage.

News from Maro Verger tells us that the school building has survived. Paint was lost from one of the walls and and the water tank for sanitation on the roof was blown away and later recovered. There is no news of fatalities but homes have been destroyed as well as crops and livestock has been lost. It has been devastating. Our prayers and help is certainly needed.

Photo: (Used with permission)

Photo: (Used with permission)

We will keep you updated as information is available.

PWS&D (Presbyterian World Service and Development), the development and relief arm of our denomination, continues to monitor the situation and is in contact with our partners in Haiti. PWS&D will be responding through our local partners and the ACT Alliance.

They ask for our prayers:

  • For the people and communities served by Service Chrétien d’Haiti, working to strengthen resilience to climate change
  • For Mirebalais and the rural communities served by Partners in Health, who provide health services and support to victims of gender-based violence
  • For Desarmes, where Mennonite Central Communities runs an agro-forestry project with support from Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Above all, please pray with us for the people of Haiti and all of the people and communities directly affected by Hurricane Matthew.

We will keep you updated as information is available.

In the meantime, PWS & D is welcoming donations in support of affected populations in Haiti. You can make donations through the church offering, by mailing a cheque to the office or donating online at

Please mark all donations “Hurricane Matthew.” Please give today.

Reading matthew's Gospel

Reading Matthew’s Gospel, an online discussion: Please join us!

We are trying something new! An online reading plan for Personal Bible Study coupled with a private forum for sharing our thoughts and ideas, our questions and our discoveries as we read.

Beginning August 2nd through Labour Day weekend we invite you to read through the Gospel of Matthew and then log in and join the discussion.

A reading plan will be provided by Reverend Karen as we begin,  and each week on Tuesdays, she will post a new set of questions for thought and discussion. As we read along you are invited to participate by posting in your own turn.

We haven’t done this before!  It is something of an experiment but our hope is that it will become a forum for community and sharing. A chance to further the opportunities for Group Bible Study, Discussion and growth in faith. To join you do have to sign up and the posts will only be available to those who are part of the group. As there are most certainly differences between a discussion online and discussion in a room together, we will post some guidelines for online participation and will be glad of any feedback and comments you have as the discussion unfolds.