Responding to Hurricane Matthew

Photo: (Used with permission)

Photo: (Used with permission)

In the last week Hurricane Matthew has struck Haiti leaving devastation in its wake. Torrential rain has overwhelmed communities—leaving hundreds dead and with significant flooding and housing damage reported. Mudslides and flash flooding remain a concern across the country, though it is too early to determine the full extent of the damage.

News from Maro Verger tells us that the school building has survived. Paint was lost from one of the walls and and the water tank for sanitation on the roof was blown away and later recovered. There is no news of fatalities but homes have been destroyed as well as crops and livestock has been lost. It has been devastating. Our prayers and help is certainly needed.

Photo: (Used with permission)

Photo: (Used with permission)

We will keep you updated as information is available.

PWS&D (Presbyterian World Service and Development), the development and relief arm of our denomination, continues to monitor the situation and is in contact with our partners in Haiti. PWS&D will be responding through our local partners and the ACT Alliance.

They ask for our prayers:

  • For the people and communities served by Service Chrétien d’Haiti, working to strengthen resilience to climate change
  • For Mirebalais and the rural communities served by Partners in Health, who provide health services and support to victims of gender-based violence
  • For Desarmes, where Mennonite Central Communities runs an agro-forestry project with support from Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Above all, please pray with us for the people of Haiti and all of the people and communities directly affected by Hurricane Matthew.

We will keep you updated as information is available.

In the meantime, PWS & D is welcoming donations in support of affected populations in Haiti. You can make donations through the church offering, by mailing a cheque to the office or donating online at

Please mark all donations “Hurricane Matthew.” Please give today.