A Service to Remember on Remembrance Sunday!

Emotional! Gut -wrenching! So much feeling! That Last Call!!! The trumpet music! The bag -pipe!!! These would all have been responses felt by those present at our Remembrance Service today . Indeed it was a service to remember --one that was special, emotive and purposeful from the beginning to the end . Emotional indeed, but emotion stirred lest we forget; emotion stirred to bring us in touch with the past; emotion stirred to give us cleared vision of the day when the lion and the lamb will lie together and war will be no more.

In addition to being just our Remembrance Day Service, this service specially commemorated the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in World War 1,where over 11,000 Canadian soldiers died. A very poignant moment was when L Col (Ret'd)Rev Bill MacLellan gave an Acknowledgement of Veterans and read an excerpt from the journal of the Chaplain during this battle. Then the list of St Andrew's  who gave their lives at both wars, was read .

Then came the Call to Remembrance with the Last Post by trumpeter Christy Lowry, A moment of Silence and the Lament by piper Jamie Letoumeau. The Scripture reading by the Dutch Ambassador was prefaced by a short history of the relationship that exist between Holland and Canada and particularly St Andrew's and the Ottawa Tulip Festival.

The sermon taken from Joshua 4 :1-7 and Romans 8:31-39 took us from the building of a memorial by Joshua, so that the Israelites would never forget the forty years they spent wondering in the wilderness to Paul reminding us of the Covenant of faithfulness from our God who gave us the promise in Romans 8:31-38.

Yes, with confidence in the Word of our God, we can tell our children the remembering the past gives us a common hope in the future that someday someone will find ways to resolve differences with Love.

Beulah P.

Reformation Sunday

Today was Reformation Sunday commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  The order of service used some 16th century reformation practices.  The sermon took the form of a Reformation Drama written, translated and directed by Huda Kandalaft.  St. Andreans with many hidden talents brought the characters to life.

The Reformation, also referred to as the Protestant Reformation, was a schism from the Catholic Church initiated by Martin Luther and continued by John Calvin and other early Protestant Reformers in 16th-century Europe. It is usually considered to have started with the publication of the Ninety-five Theses by Luther in 1517.

Through the drama we travelled from the time of the Apostle Peter, Augustine of Hippo, Constantine the Great, Jean d’Arc, Martin Luther, Francis of Assisi, an Orthodox Patriarch, a Gladiator, Queen Elizabeth 1, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway, captain of the Starfleet and then on to meet X, a fictional character representing the leader of the church in the future.  Scary and informative.  What a voyage!  

The reading from Romans 12: 4-8 tied in so well.  The body of the church has many members with different functions and different gifts.  The Reformation drama revealed the power of Christian Development in action - St. Andreans of different ages with different talents yet each with such faith.

Jeanie H.

Bible Sunday and Reformation 500

Today, two aspects of the service really stood out for me.  First, it was a special day for our grade four students in the Sunday school, whom I teach, and one of whom is my son, because it was the day on which they were given Bibles.  This is an event I particularly enjoy each year, as I still have my own grade four Bible, and it is something I treasure.  I was heartened by Aisling's story to the kids about how she has worn the cover off her Bible from reading it so often over the years.  I can't really say the same, but her devotion is inspiring and has led me to commit to reading my Bible more diligently. Today's event was of particular significance for our family because it was the last Bible Sunday on which one of our children was to receive a Bible.  This means that at least one portion of the promises we made as parents at our children's baptism is being fulfilled: we are teaching them about the gospel by bringing them to Sunday school and I feel good about being faithful to that commitment.

This Sunday was also of great significance in that we commemorated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, which means that it has been for 500 years that our Protestant traditions have been enduring - somewhat ironically, a continuity in change: reformed and always reforming, and enduring for centuries in that state.  I was thinking quite a bit about how many generations of my own family have consecutively received grade four Bibles, and lived and shared in the same stories.  It is inspiring to think of all of that history, and to think of the imperative on us from Luther and Calvin to always be contemplating positive change.

Rebecca B.

Foretastes of the Kingdom: Are You the One?

Luke 7: 18-24

This was an intriguing topic for a sermon on Anniversary Sunday at St. Andrew’s.  John the Baptist was a fiery preacher imprisoned by Herod.  He sent disciples to ask Jesus:  ‘Are you the Messiah?’  They didn’t know - would the Messiah be a warrior, a leader...?  How would they know?How would we know?  If Jesus is the Messiah then we see God at work.  Is this the Good News or should we continue to look elsewhere? Rev. Dimock invited us to think of good news as an event and ask ourselves what do we see?  There has been so much Good News, and so many amazing events and things to see this year.  We celebrated Canada Day, Canada’s 150 Birthday, Reformation 500 and St. Andrew’s Church Ottawa’ s Anniversary Sunday.  I read a quote that we should live each day as a life.  What events would I see today in this life?  Anniversary Sunday, Open Table, welcoming new members to St. Andrew’s.    If we look, we see God at work each day.

Jeanie H.

Can a Little Child Like Me?

Thanksgiving. The very word brings to mind turkey, family, friends and celebration. Could it mean any less in our church family?  We had the opportunity today to celebrate the very concept of thanksgiving in our service today.

First we had the chance to thank the very good people of Ottawa2107 for all that they had brought his city. Then we were able to say thank you to these new friends who helped us refit after a crowd at an event managed to badly damage to our gardens and statue. Not only did the take care of the cost of repairs but actually gave us the choice of replacement plants and far more importantly gave of their personal time as volunteers came to help us replant.  Mr. Laflamme , the Executive Director took the time from his ridiculously busy schedule on a day dedicated to family to spend time with us. We thank these special people.

Then came our children’s hymn Can a Little Child Like Me. One of my personal favorites. This hymn always reminds me of the little things in a busy life as an adult we tend to take for granted and not remember to give thanks for every day.

For our comrades and our plays,
And our happy holidays,
For the joyful work and true
That a little child might do,
For our lives but just begun,
For the great gift of Thy Son,
The pure joy of living so wonderfully thanked for all the glory given us.

Even the little things of our service like the prayers included are oft forgotten but when regarded lead us to the thanks we need to give.

A Morning Prayer

With the morning light my hope is renewed,
and all my trust is in you, O God.
Lead me where you would have me go,
and show me what you would have me do,
to display your vision for the world to be
and, as far as I am able,
to live in accordance with your coming reign.
In the name of Jesus.

So on this day of Thanksgiving we offer to our church family thanks.

To our custodians who make our church clean and neat James and Shaun
To our office staff who keep us organized and aware Elizabeth and Lorraine
To our Music Director and choir who give us heavenly music, Tom and the Choir
To our Christian education director and her supporting committee and teachers for teaching and nurturing. Huda and the church school teachers.
To our Minister for the Word and its presentation. Karen
To our committees and Session for the oft unseen and unloved work of setting us on our path and keeping it all going
To the Women’ Guild who toil to make this place a true representation of Christiancharity
To our prayer and social groups who make this Church a destination for many people

Lastly and never least our volunteers whose names are simply too many to even try to list for their unquestioned and often unremarked hard effort every day to make this church a home.  We take this time as we gather at the table to hold hands and say a prayer of thanks for all we have, we take a moment to uphold you for all you do for us.

Thank you and thank God that he has given you to us.


Noral R.

Foretastes of the Kingdom

What a beautiful Fall day -crisp, sunny and full of promise! And it was a Communion Day at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church.

I have always approached Communion Services with the air of anticipation of a child about to receive a prize. Today's 11.00 am servicedelivered. Indeed, it wasa pinnacle-----experience -with the prize being participation at the Lord's Table together with Christians the world- over onthis World Communion Day,  and with a sermon that resonated and challenged me.

The sermon was entitled "Foretaste of the Kingdom, from Hunger to Full" and this theme was evident in the choice of hymns, the children's story and Scripture passage from Luke 9.1-17,  and our feasting at the Lord's Table.  Our Minister,  Rev Dimock,  wove a masterful tapestry taking us into the crowds that followed Jesus, crowds with everyday faces --the person with a cancer diagnosis; the single mother not knowing where the next meal for her children would come from; the man whose job has become redundantand must go home without a pension. Oh, yes, we are in those crowds ! we know many of those faces! And yes, we too are hungry --hungry to know who Jesus is ; hungry to be fed --to be made full. But it takes knowing who Christ is,  taking what He so freely offers us, and accepting His challenge of service. Yes, Jesus invites us too, to share His bread to others as we shared in his Table spread for us, today.

Why did I not want it to end? Was it because Jesus was there in our midst. Yes, I know I met Him.

This was the prize I anticipated.

Beulah P.

Partners in building the kingdom

"We must work the works of him who sent me..."

John 9:4a

I liked the emphasis made by Huda this morning on partnership. In the midst of our world's hurt and pain and hate, God wants us to respond. We are to work with God in bringing light to the darkness, in proclaiming good news, in building the kingdom.

For me, this is one of the most important parts of my faith. It is a very concrete thing for me - trying to be God's hands in this world, reaching out to those who have been marginalized, who have been told that they do not matter, who have been forgotten... This is when I feel the church is at its best - when we are following the commandment to love - to the put the last first, to show that everyone is treasured and love by God, to show that God's grace is for everyone, as Huda said. God is counting on us to live that message every day.

Huda gave us an example of a foretaste of the kingdom: churches helping refugees to build new lives in Canada. She left us with a question to think about - where do we see foretastes of the kingdom around us? Where do we see moments of love and grace? But I am going to try to take that a step further this week - how can I contribute to those glimpses of the kingdom?

Laura S.