December 21 2021 - Blue Christmas - St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Ottawa

Blue Christmas Service

A Service of Light in the Darkness

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.” Isaiah 9:2

Gathering Prelude: Settings of “O come Emmanuel” and “Lo How a Rose”

M. Bedford, M. Corl & F. Peeters; J. Brahms, F. Peeters & A. Thate

Gathering Poem: Colleen Ferris, Convenor of Pastoral Care

Hymn 145: In the bleak mid-winter, “Cranham” Pat Beckett, soprano

Words of Welcome

Prayer for Illumination Pauline S.

Lighting the Candle of Hope Pauline S.

Isaiah 40:1-11

This passage was written during the exile, when many of God’s people were captives in a

foreign land, this is a text of lament, asking for God’s comfort.

Lighting the Candle of Peace Heather P.

Lamentations 3:21-24

This passage is a prayer of honesty, both acknowledging individual pain while declaring the

choice to hope through tear filled eyes.

Lighting the Candle of Joy Yvette D.

John 14:27-28

This passage is a moving reminder from Jesus that there are different seasons of life

and faith but that God is always returning to us.

Lighting the Candle of Love Jan L.

Psalm 121

This is a psalm of comfort and hope reminding us that our help comes from God and

that we never journey alone.

Hymn 122: Oh come, Oh come, Emmanuel v. 1-3, “Veni Emmanuel”

Prayers of the People Billie S. & Forrest L.

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:8-20 Rev. Dr. Karen Dimock

Meditation and Lighting of the Christ Candle

Time of Reflection

Hymn 148: It came upon the midnight clear, “Carol”

The Sending (responsive)


Organ Postlude Christmas pastorale symphonies J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel