Sunday October 16

It is Anniversary Sunday at St. Andrew's and we celebrate 188 years of worship here. I wonder what the theme was at that first sermon?

One of the readings this morning was Ruth 3:1-5 and 4:13-22.  What an amazing story! The Book of Ruth is one of only two books of the Bible to be named after women.

Ruth lived in a patriarchal society and as a widow she was vulnerable.  It reads like a rom-com but in reality, Ruth and Naomi 'made it' in a man's world and made liturgical law work for them.
Rev. Sandy Scott sees Ruth's story as a protest statement - a story of gender, power and politics.  Have things changed in 3000 years?

What did I take away from the sermon this morning?

God is concerned about all people regardless of race, nationality, gender or status. Ruth was not a Jew. She was a Moabite.  Although many discriminated against her God did not.  Everyone is important in God's eyes.

Jeanie H.